Cheshire Academy is a 223-year-old independent school in Cheshire, Connecticut serving 437 students in a day program for grades 6-12 and a day/boarding program for grades 9-12.
Joining Cheshire Academy gave me an opportunity to work at a school with a boarding population. Their giving program was comprised primarily of older male alums from around the country, and harkened back to the time before the school became co-ed.
I continued to build on existing relationships but also focused on engaging current parents and expanded leadership-giving significantly during my tenure. We built a strong stewardship-driven advancement model and I had the fortune of working closely with a cracker jack communication team.
Specifically, I oversaw the building of a fundraising program focused on leadership giving; developed customized stewardship strategies for key donors to increase retention and to build loyalty; and coordinated cultivation and stewardship events for major donors across the country.
“Working with Barbara Barron on stewardship projects was one of the most productive and successful relationships I’ve ever shared with a colleague. I took away two critical lessons from our time together that continue to serve me well. First, always think creatively about what your organization can offer a donor that no one else can. Second, the steward/donor relationship can — and should — be deeply rewarding for both parties. Since our collaborations, I’ve looked at development work with a fresh perspective.”
Philip Moore
Former Director of Communications at Cheshire Academy
Director of Marketing and Communications at Goodwin College
“Barbara is an extraordinary professional who has the unique ability to understand the big picture and then break it down in a way that creates clarity for the institution’s direction. Her style will instill confidence in the organization’s senior leadership.
If you’re seeking a consultant to assist you in designing a strategic direction and detailing the steps necessary to complete the journey, Barbara is a very logical choice. The development team and the board will be comfortable and confident with the working partnership she will create.”
Jay Goulart
Newsci, LLC
Former Associate Head for External Affairs, Cheshire Academy