Here are some tasks you can set before this group, starting in August when you first convene. These are actions that actually help. They build connections with families. They extend the cultivation and stewardship work your team is doing.
11 Ways to Make Sure Your School’s Newest Trustee is Prepared for the Job
One of the most effective things we can do is create an excellent orientation process. I’ve done this at multiple schools, and it pays off handsomely in the near and long term. If your school doesn’t do this or doesn’t do this well (with your involvement), run – don’t walk – to advise that they start.
Selecting Good Trustees: 6 Ways to Make Sure the Newest Addition is a Good One
To get additional advice and perspectives beyond my own, I asked three seasoned and outstanding professionals I knew in our group to participate in the facilitated conversation about ways to bring intelligence and experience to these vital volunteer leader selections. All have served their current school for a decade or more. All hold that seat and understand the value in it.
The Board of Trustees at The Nirvana School
You have an opportunity to create a culture where people would be clamoring to serve on this Board. In this aspirational but possible, improved version of the school, trustees who were fortunate enough to be selected would serve with passion, generosity, and tirelessness. These trustees would tell anyone and everyone who asked that serving on this school’s board was the hardest and most rewarding work they’d ever done.
How Can We Help Boards Overcome Campaign Jitters?
It’s really understandable that non-profit Boards – in particular those at independent schools – may be downright scared of entering into a capital campaign. It’s a pretty high-stakes game, one that gets increasingly public as it rolls out. Any cracks in the system are going to be exposed. Staff issues, poor record keeping, fiefdoms between departments, competing priorities. All will …
How Do We Thank Trustees?
by Barbara Barron | Posted August 19th, 2020 A client asked me that question the other day. And it’s a good one. It’s a question that is far more complex and potentially far-reaching than it might appear at first glance. The question is actually this: How do we thank the people who help steer our organizations? Who give so generously …